A family of companies focused on
Sustainable Sustainability™

UsedCardboardBoxes.com was founded in 2006 and is the largest processor of USED gaylord totes, produce totes, resin/octo-bins and shipping boxes in North America.

UCBPalletSolutions is your one-stop destination to buy or sell quality USED pallets.

UCBOrganicWaste is championing organic recycling to divert organic waste from landfills and maximize the value of nutritional “waste.”

UCBTrading utilizes our national database of waste haulers, recyclers, logistics companies / 3PLs and specialists to move specific, one-off and non-conventional commodities to the best outlets.

UCBZeroWaste designs, implements and runs large-scale, fully-managed zero waste programs that reduce waste (cost) and increase recycling & reuse (revenue).

Who We Are

About Us

Pioneering sustainability through innovation, the UCBEnvironmental journey began in 2006 with UsedCardboardBoxes.com, creating a technology platform to match the supply and demand of the billions of USED boxes unpacked daily, across North America. Leveraging its success in both technology and logistics, UCBZeroWaste was launched in 2019 to offer comprehensive, fully-managed waste reduction programs. UCBPalletSolutions utilizes similar technology and logistics prowess, applied to USED pallets. As we were founded in sunny California, with some of the strictest food regulations in the country, UCBOrganicWaste offers some of the best knowledge and expertise to all our clients nationwide.

Find out how we can help implement
Sustainable Sustainability™


Sustainable Sustainability™

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Our Leadership


Back in 2006, Marty Metro had a “ahead of its time” idea for large-scale box reuse. That idea needed both a plan and financial backing. When Marty met David Krasnow, the plan and financial backing came to fruition and an incredible partnership was formed.

UCBEnvironmental has created value for some of the country’s most trusted names: